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lunedě 18 luglio 2011 Go and have a look! Very simple, easy to use...I like the "quick shop" bottom...I'll put more social elements on it (Like, Share, etc.) but I'm sure it's just the beginnig for Ducati within the digital world...stay tuned!

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lunedě 18 luglio 2011

Mobile & Digital...Go Go Go! Read this news about Finelco (Radio 105, Radio Monte Carlo, Virgin Radio) going mobile...that's great!

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lunedě 18 luglio 2011

Social Marketing Analytics Framework


Tonight I'm working on a paper for my PhD that is focused on "KPI and web analytics" to evaluate digital marketing & communication results. I decided to re-read the frameworked presented by Altimeter last year (see and share the article I think that is really good, right now we just have to go on a more detailed version with some "numbers" on the side that will help marketers to understand the situation and learn from it. More details on chapter 9 of my "Digital Marketing" book...:-) paola

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lunedě 18 luglio 2011

Welcome back to the crazy for digital marketing world! Today I'm analyzing an italian social e-commerce platform called blomming. Go and surf on their web site I think it's very interesting...I love the structure "publish"+"share"+"sell". I know they have a strong plan to grow in the future and they just hired a new AD (Matteo Cascinari, see the news I strongly believe they have a huge potential and I'll check in the next months what's going on with them...stay tuned! Go digital! Paola

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martedě 12 luglio 2011

Il prossimo libro sul marketing digitale.

«Dal punto di vista delle imprese, la rivoluzione digitale implica, in tempi rapidi, un cambiamento radicale del paradigma di marketing e comunicazione che vede la relazione e l'interazione al centro di uno scambio di messaggi bilaterali altamente personalizzati e costanti».

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